Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A Tragedy

Something happened today. Something that has never before happened in my lifetime. To me, anyway. It was devastating and a bit traumatic. Are you ready for this?

I threw 7/8 of a pie in the trash. Can you believe that? A pie.

Last Friday I made a pie with delicious peaches from the farmer's market. I was so excited about the peaches. And so excited about the pie. I ate a piece the night I made it and it was amazing.

So what happened, you ask? It seems that in my house I am the only one not immune to the call of baked goods. Whenever I make bread or muffins or pie or pretty much anything besides cookies, I am the only one that eats any of it. Which means I can't bake nearly as often as I would like. So anyway, that's what happened this time. Apparently no one else was interested in the pie.

Sadly, I am on a pretty strict "diet" (I don't want to call it a diet -- cause it's not -- it just entails NOT eating an entire pie by myself). So, I ate one slice and then managed to not eat any more. And then this morning I was going to be really naughty and eat a piece of pie for breakfast. As luck would have it, the entire pie was just a soggy, sick mess. The crust was soaked and it was stale and just really gross (which I suppose should be expected for a 5 day old pie). So, I tossed the pie in the trash. Actually, I had to have John do it cause I was so traumatized.

So there you have it. It's a sad day.

But! Speaking of pie -- Pushing Daisies is coming back in exactly 2 weeks and I can. not. wait!!!


Nellie and Jason said...

Oh my gosh...i'm glad someone besides me really likes this show. Jason's doesn't understand my obsession with it...he thinks its weird.

Trevy said...

Christi and I have a countdown till it comes back....our lives have been more than a little empty without it...

sheena said...

I'm afraid that I too am guilty of throwing away perfectly tasty baked goods. but otherwise I'll eat them, by myself, in two days. some days I consider having 8 kids, just so I can bake all I really might be worth it??...

cara lou said...

Sheena: Absolutely worth it.

Ruth said...

Cara, if you ever, EVER need help finishing off a pie again, I will gladly sacrifice myself to the cause. Together we can make sure the travesty of a perfectly fine pie going to waste doesn't ever happen again.

Miriam Herm said...

Sad about the pie. We have that problem with baked goods also. Plus, every recipe knocks out way more than two people should consume all by themselves (especially me). Except today I'm making chocolate cupcakes with cream cheese frosting because I've been thinking about them for days.

And I'm so completely excited about Pushing Daisies also! I wish we had TV so I could watch it when it's on instead of waiting for it to show up online! I hate waiting!

Bethany said...

My heart is heavy just thinking about the pie in the trash.

I like your sad spoon.

kelly said...

why doesn't the Southwell family live near by anymore? boo. we would have gladly helped you take care of it!
boy, do I miss your pies. Yum!!!

Alissa said...

Hmmmm.....I've never seen a pie that was more than a day old.....I didn't know it was POSSIBLE for a pie to not be eaten within 24 hours of it's creation. Guess that's why I had seven kids, haha! Actually, when we were "young marrieds" with no money our nights out consisted of me baking a pie or something decadent and inviting friends over to devour it. Fun times.(You're right - you shouldn't eat an entire pie by yourself).