Friday, February 12, 2010

APPlesauce Guest Blog!

My fun friend Marné asked me to do a guest blog for her iPhone App review blog APPlesauce (how cute is that name?). I was nervous and of course as soon as I sat down to write THE POST, all words just flew out of my brain. But I managed to write something up that is actually pretty coherent, so I'm impressed. Ha!

I got to try out this application called Stylebook. You use it to create looks with clothes from your own wardrobe, or -- my favorite -- to create dream outfits from clothing photos you get off the web. I love it so much. There are photos of some of my fantasy looks included in the review post. Go drool over them.

While you're there, check out the whole blog -- it's really cool! Reviews on all kinds of different iPhone apps and also photos that Marné shoots and edits with her iPhone. <3 iPhone <3


EJ said...

Yeah! I'm so excited you are writing! I can't wait to check it out!

AuroraLeigh said...

I haven't, but I'll check it out asap!

Bri {collected} said...

Oooo...I've been meaning to play around with that app. It reminds me of Cher in Clueless!

Thanks for stopping by my blog!! I love the quilt you made by the way!!