Saturday, February 6, 2010

Freaking Amazing Sky

I was on my way to my class a couple weeks ago. I turned the corner and had to immediately pull over.

The sky was so beautiful and crazy. I couldn't stop looking at it. I called John and made him pack up Will and the camera to take photos to document it.

It was truly one of the most beautiful things I'd ever seen. And all these other people were just driving and walking around like nothing out of the ordinary was going on. They missed out. It was lovely.

I'll announce the winner of the scarf later today!


Sijbrich said...

In a recent blog post my sister-in-law showed a similar pic and called them "giggling clouds."

Miriam Herm said...

i know what day you're talking about because i have a million photos from it. gorgeous.

.jimaie.marie. said...

that is AMAZING.
I would've had to pull over and stare... so gorgeous!