I want to do a give-away, like I see so many other blogity ladies do when they reach 100 or some other milestone. So, in anticipation of my etsy shop opening in a few weeks, I'm giving away a Dear Little One tshirt! Unfortunately, I have no photos of said give-away yet.
However, if you'd like a chance to win, just leave a comment telling me what book you're reading right now! I need some new reads!
The shirt will be a white, 100% cotton American Apparel tshirt in whatever size you specify (including toddler or infant sizes, if you'd like one for your little one), with raspberry pink (like in the photo above) or minty green ink. I'll have William pick a name out of his bucket to determine the winner.
Let me know what books I need to put on my reading list!
Edit: I will pick a winner on Monday!
Congratulations on 102!
Ooooo, I can't resist! I have a new little one on the way...so that t-shirt would be fun.
Here are a couple books that I have liked. Right now I am reading Rose Cottage by Mary Stewart...good so far. I also loved Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See. I also love Eva Ibbotson's adult novels (she writes for kids as well)...Song for Summer and A Company of Swans are favorites. Kind of quirky love stories if you like that sort of thing.
Anyway, I have lots more...but, we'll go with those. Have a super day!
Sarah :)
Look at you, with your little giveaway!!!
I'm reading The Pleasure of my Company by Steve Martin, but you don't need to enter me in your giveaway cause we are already buds and I will probably be harassing you for a shirt later on anyways :)
Congrats on 102 posts, woohoo!
A few books I'm reading right now are Belly Laughs by Jenny McCarthy (hilarious), and also The Other Boleyn Girl... both are great, just in very different ways, haha.
That onesie is just too cute!
An epic milestone, indeed. Congratulations on your work in the blog world! As for books, I'm reading three...
1) The Heavenly Man. It's the story of a Christian brother in China and the persecution he endured there.
2) The World of Pies. A summer-y read about a girl living in the south. Not spectacular, but cute.
3) The Other Bolyn Girl. Okay, haven't actually started it, but am supposed to by the end of the week for a book club. I'll let you know.
I can't wait for your etsy shop!
Thanks for the link to my blog - I've done a post especially for you today! Congratulations on 102 posts too!
102 posts is awesome - it'll take me forever to get there!
It appears that I'm on an LDS book frenzy cause the last three books I've read are
1- The Moroni Code by Jack Lyon
2- Supersonic Saints: Thrilling Stories from LDS Pilots Compiled by John Bytheway
3- Faith Rewarded: A Personal Account of Prophetic Promises to the East German Saints by Thomas S. Monson
Not sure if you'll want to read any of those, but they were all pretty good!
"A Long Way from Chicago" by Richard Peck.
Super cute! I hate to own up to it, but I'm reading the Gossip Girl books. Yes, books for teenagers. They're addictive and all my brain can take these days.
I like your blog! Thanks for stopping by over at mine.
Congrats! I'm hoping to start being better about updating my blog....soon, I hope. For now I'll just read yours. Hehe.
I haven't read it yet, but I saw at Barnes and Noble the other day that Barbara Kingsolver has a new book out...I may have already told you about it. It's called Animal, Vegetable, Mineral - about her family's year living on a farm in Virginia and eating only what they could grow themselves or buy from other local farms. Doesn't sound much like summer leisure reading, but it does seem interesting, and we already like her as an author. If I eventually break down and buy my own copy of course I'll pass it along!
oh crap, I don't read. but I like free things. Does the Hungry Little Caterpillar count?
i found this little blog that's all about people recommending books.. i think you might find it interesting. i'm tempted to join!
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Books:
I'm reading Wuthering Heights, thanks to the fact that you returned it to Bethany and I hijacked it ;-). Lately at work I keep reading John Grisham books, and I can't remember the title of the one I'm on now - but they are always fun and suspenseful reads...one of the bailiffs at work leaves them in the break room when she's finished. I haven't been disappointed yet.
Oh man, I am not reading right now...what is WRONG with me?! I love having a novel in the summer (or winter, spring....) so, I"ll be checking here to see what recommendations you get! :)
I love your dear little one shirts. No more of those around here, but I know a few little ones who would wear it well ;)
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