Well now, it's been almost a week since my last entry, so it's high time I write again, methinks. Unfortunately, I don't have anything pretty to show off yet. The past couple of weeks have been spent cleaning, organizing, and entertaining my 16-year old brother who's visiting for a month.
This past weekend was excellent. We cleaned and organized all of our closets and they are so beautiful now. I wish I took before and after pictures, though the before was really embarassing.
So next on the seemingly never-ending list of projects is to organize our storage bay, sand and paint the baby's cradle, and finally set up my sewing space. It's kind of just thrown together right now but it'll be so awesome when I'm done with it. And THEN I can get to sewing! I can't wait! I have birthday presents, baby things, baby presents for friends, and Christmas stuff to get started on. I'll be very busy! But the very best kind of busy. :) So we'll be hopefully getting all of that done by this time next week. Woot!
So, sorry that this is such a boring entry, but I promise it'll get better soon!
Meanwhile, I really need to make this: