1) Gets my glasses for me from the bedside table
2) Does the sign for "eat"
3) Says "plants!"

So we get up. We leave the bedroom and he says "Dada!?" and then "Plants!" Before getting breakfast, we first must go outside. That's when William gets really excited, says "plants!" several more times, "wow", and also "hot!" (his favorite word) as he pats the pots and ground, and pokes the dirt.

After a few minutes of checking on the outside plants' progress, we can come inside to check the seedlings. William always proclaims "wow!" and "plants!". And then it's time for breakfast ("gogur!" and "tos!" -- yogurt and toast, always said with enthusiasm).

It's really a fantastic way to start the day.

He is such a sweetheart - and apparently a farmer in the making. I miss seeing Will in the morning :-(
The plants are looking great!
Haha! I love it. :)
That is so cute~ To think he opens his eyes and is excited to go see the plants :)
(Lili's favorite word is hot too. Maybe it's a common favorite? "HOT!")
Whatever happened to Mighty Bites???
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