This boy is HILARIOUS!! Just shy of a year and a half, he's running all over the place...climbing up on everything...and constantly telling us stories in his own irresistable language. "Bu-de, bu-de, bu-de, bu-DEEEEEEEEEEEEZ" a personal fave. He also recently discovered that he can climb up and make himself comfortable at the grown-up piano and tinker out notes that sound incredibly like deliberate melodies. He's not even 1.5, kids! We're having a blast over here.
Is he cute or is it just us??? (click on the pics!) :)

Nope, he's cute. I love the hair. My little dude is still bald, bald, bald.
Um. Do people try to steal your baby,like, all the time? Because I have a cold, dark, baby-ambivalent heart and I think about stealing him. After I nibble those cheeks for a snack.
utterly adorable.
Happy 17 months!
I really don't think it's possible for a baby to be any cuter than William.
These pictures are amazing Cara. I love that you have so much fun with Will and enjoy being a mom so much. We can't wait to see you guys again soon!
you're right - he's incredibly adorable! this age is the best, I think, because you get to watch so much development and they learn how to express themselves. too much fun... i wish i could have my 18 month old back..haha!
no. he's cute. really pretty darn adorable!
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