Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Day Four - Portland, OR
(Those are my peeps up there.)

Hotel Modera

Our swanky room. Also, not pictured, dinner at India House. The best Indian food I've ever had.

William knows a good croissant when he sees one. And this was a fantastic one.

The Button Emporium. Every button and trim imaginable.

I don't know why I didn't buy anything. I was just losing my mind in delirium at this point.

Downtown Portland.

A sweet flower shop.

Alexa treated us to $2.00 Belgium chocolates from Leonidas.

Noon Toons.

The Morrison Bridge over the Willamette River.

Playing on the waterfront.


My dear, dear Cupcake Jones.

Boston Cream for me please!

Pretty much one of my favorite places on earth.

When can I move in?


Eating cupcakes in the park.

Goodbye, my true love. I must find a way to come back to stay...

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I wish we would have explored Portland a little more when we went.

Those Belgian chocolates look kind of like these mini "cheesecakes" that we had in Seattle. They were so, so yummy.

I heard about that Cupcake Jones place on a blog recently and told my sister she needs to go visit. :)