My view from the couch while my mom makes us dinner. It's amazing. Dinner is being cooked and I'M not doing it!
Isn't this too cute? My mom is making the baby a quilt and is working on putting the top together today. I just love these reproductions of 1930's fabrics -- I'm really excited for it to be done! And she just made us a dinner of stew and biscuits. We're in heaven over here.
My swollen foot with a sad broken-ish toe.
So, no baby, but there was some excitement last night. I somehow managed to kick the leg of my bed as I walked past. I have never been in so much pain in my life and I can't imagine labor being any worse. John actually thought I was in labor when I hobbled out to him trying not to cry. Wow. I just can't explain how much it hurt. We thought I broke it (I did hear a "crack" when it happened) and contemplated going to the E.R. But, John bandaged my two toes (the nail broke on one of them, and also managed to cut into it's neighbor), got me some Tylenol, and put an ice pack on my foot. Luckily, I was able to go to sleep pretty quickly and it only hurts when I walk now. So now I waddle and limp. I feel attractive and graceful. Also, I have no feeling in three of my fingers on my right hand. Come out baby!!!
Well here we are. October 10. No sign of baby, but I'm being patient. He'll show up when he's ready.
There's really not much to say! My mom's here and we've been working on some different projects to pass the time. She bought me a rocking chair which came today. John put it together and I'm sitting in it now -- I'm so happy to have it!
Hopefully next time you hear from me it'll be a baby announcement!
I just had to write and share my excitement. It's COLD outside, people. Now, understand that by "cold" I mean "under 70 degrees". The fact is, it's 68 degrees. I know that in most parts of the world, 68 degrees is nowhere near cold but to me, here in this land of fiery temperatures for 98% of the year, it's downright chilly.
Evidence: I had to wear a jacket when I went for my hair appointment. Conclusion: It is chilly.
This thrills me to no end. There are LEAVES on the GROUND, thanks to the breeze. I have all the windows open and...I am not sweating. That is definitely news worthy considering I've been a sweaty, gigantic walrus for the past several months.
Also, the google weather thingy says it might rain. It's blue-skied and sunny right now, but there are some fluffy clouds around the edges so...maybe?? I do hope so.
I made Bean and Bacon Soup (from Real Simple February 2005) last night for dinner. I've been making it for a couple of years now and it's absolutely my favorite -- with a big chunk of sourdough bread to dip in it. I always make a double batch and then freeze what we don't eat the first night -- this way we have 3-4 two person meals ready to go. And this is a soup that's always better the next day or two weeks later. It is so so good.
I want to make an apple pie right now. And wear boots and tights and a sweater. And go on a hay ride and rake some leaves. And then sit by a fire this evening and drink a hot beverage. With my family. I miss my family.
At least my mom is coming tomorrow! We pick her up from the airport at noon and I'm counting down the hours. This is only the second time she's ever come to visit while we've lived here so it's very exciting.
I have a couple of projects to finish but I'm not feeling very motivated. I need to sew two birthday presents for next month so that I don't have to worry about it then. At least the cutting is done. I DESPISE the measuring and cutting part of any sewing project. If I were rich I'd hire someone to do it for me, cause seriously, it drives me insane.
Alright, this is turning into a bunch of rambling. But I just had to share the good news -- 68 degrees! I'm going to go sew for a bit and then lay on the couch for a bit, now. Hopefully we're going to go see The Darjeeling Limited tonight -- but it's only playing in Santa Monica and Century City, so we'll see if I'm feeling up to the drive tonight. It'll most likely be our last childless Friday night and the last movie we go to for awhile so...we've got to live it up!
Have a fabulous weekend my friends! Hope it's fallish where you are.
As promised, here are photos of the Vintage Car Coat that I finished last night. It still needs to be blocked a bit to even things out, but I'm really happy with it!
The pattern and yarn are from the package that Lisa sent me several weeks ago. I got the entire thing done except for the collar and the seaming and then of course ran out of yarn. I ended up having to order another ball from the UK but luckily it was neither too expensive nor did it take too long to show up in my mail.
So, that's all the excitement around here. Had a doctor's appointment this morning but no news. We're just patiently waiting! Time to lie down...
Hello, no baby here yet. He's not due until next Wednesday anyway so...I need to be patient. I'm really tired of the swelling and the being a beached whale and whatnot but, I'm happy to wait for him to come when he's ready. I just hope it's sooner than later. :)
Please take note of the best looking pie crust I've made to date. It's only taken me 14 years to get to this point.
We've apparently started a tradition of having a Pumpkin Party every year at the beginning of October. This was the 3rd year we did it and I hope to continue. Pumpkin is just too yummy to not celebrate! We had Ravioli with Sausage and Pumpkin Sauce (I forgot to take a photo but believe me, it's delicioius. Please try it!), green beans, baguette and of course, Pumpkin Pie. In previous years we've also carved pumpkins but, that just wasn't going to happen this year. And when you have your Pumpkin Party, don't forget to watch It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.
I did decorate for Autumn though and it's so fun. It's 85 degrees outside and we have the AC on, but at least it looks somewhat fall-ish in here.
I've also done quite a bit of sewing in the past few days but unfortunately, don't have photos of it all cause my brain is pretty spacey lately.
First is this Bath Caddy for all the baby's bath things (we don't have enough cupboard space for anymore towels or toiletries) which will hang from the closet door. This pattern is from Amy Butler's In Stitches and the fabric is from I was WAY intimidated by this project. It entailed using interfacing and canvas and boning and had about a million steps. Yikes. But I did it! Sewing certainly has taught me some good life lessons: don't get overwhelmed, take things one step at a time, take risks and to pay attention to details. They really make all the difference.
Exciting News: Our good friends, Cary and Erin, beat us to the punch and had their baby boy yesterday -- 11 days early! I finished the blanket for Quincy (hi, cutest name ever) last night and sent it out in the mail this morning, totally forgetting to take photos first. I used the same Scalloped Baby Blanket pattern from Bend-the-Rules Sewing that I used for this helicopter blanket but in these fabrics I ordered recently from Just use your imagination. :) Congratulations, little family! We can't wait to meet the new guy!
Finally, I also finished another project yesterday but I can't show you until the end of January when my friend Nellie's baby arrives. It turned out so cute! I want to show it off right now!
Alright, well this pregnant lady needs to go lay around some more. 39 weeks! I'm definitely feeling every one of them right now.
Take care! Check in tomorrow for pics of the knitted Vintage Car Coat. Darling!