Well kids, the time has finally come! By the time you read this we will be off to begin a 21 day adventure all over Norway (and I do mean ALL over), Svalbard, Finland, Sweden and Denmark. Oh yeah, we are totally rocking the entirity of Scandinavia. Woot!
I'll definitely be posting a few pics and updates from the road. Arctic regions here we come!
Just got (off etsy) this vintage carry-on piece -- the newest member of my vintage luggage family (and they're all Samsonite!) Woot!
And, inspired by Elsie at A Beautiful Mess (one of my very favorites!) who was inspired by Orla Kiely (j'adore!), I added some hand-embroidery. It's just 6 strands of floss, doubled (Elsie used yarn). My fingers are a bit blistered now but it was totally worth it in my book. :)
This cutie will be serving as my carry-on for Scandinavia. It's packed to the brim with goodies to keep a 2 year old and a mama entertained and comfortable (?) for a 14-hour flight. We're only four days out now! Eek!
In July, while my sis Lex was here visiting, we took upon ourselves the task of finding the most delicious cupcakes in the land. And it all started with the happy occurrence of parking in front of Frosted Cupcakery in Long Beach.
We searched high and low during the month that Alexa was here and our conclusion was unanimous -- Frosted took the cake! (Oh wow! See that pun there!?)
If you're ever in the Long Beach area, get ye hence to Frosted and partake. I would recommend the carrot. Alexa would recommend the lemon and John's favorite is the white coconut. But they are all good. All good.
P.S. Now, anytime anyone flies down to visit, we have them come into Long Beach airport so that we have an excuse to drive down there and get cupcakes. They are so worth the extra miles. And calories.
There's a new William in town (in fact, he has the exact same initials as my William, which means they'll probably be bros-for-life) and we spent most of last week visiting that sweet baby and our great friends.
I threw this quilt together at the last minute (ah, procrastination) the night and morning before driving out to our friends' house. It's made with scraps of a few of my favorite boy fabrics that I've used in other projects (here and here). Easy 6" squares pieced together in rows and machine quilted with organic bamboo batting inside. Yum.
Hold on a second there. Not so fast. September? How?! What? I can't believe it but I'm so happy it is here again already.
To celebrate the first day of my favorite month a fall-type drink was in order. I wish that I could have bust out a scarf to go along, but alas, it's going to be 100 degrees today again. The pine cone earrings did make an appearance though so that made me feel a bit more fall-ish.
This month is going to be crazy! Not only do we celebrate both mine and John's birthdays, we also have a wedding anniversary and we'll be spending 3 weeks in Norway and all over Scandinavia! It's a very exciting way to spend my favorite month of the year (also, escaping the heat will be nice!).
I've finished a few fun projects over the past couple of months since I last checked-in and am looking forward to starting some new things. I'm feeling motivated and super inspired! I love the coming season! Happy Sept everyone!