Suzy tagged me to post a picture of the contents of my purse. Pretty interesting.
Here is my purse:

And here are the contents:

Orange 2008 Planner
Blue iPod Mini
White Zip-up Wallet from Banana Republic, one of my best purchases ever
Eucerin Lotion -- the best lotion ever. And you know me, I'm serious when it comes to lotion
3 pens: 2 Pilot G-2s (my favorite pen) and 1 Pilot Precise V5 Extra Fine (John's fav)
An assortment of bobby pins and barrettes (they should be in the makeup bag, but my purse is "a mess" right now)
Kate Spade Peacock Make-up bag, one of my favorite worldly possessions
Burt's Bees Beeswax Lip Balm -- makes my lips tingly and happy
A wrapped toothpick. I have no idea where this came from. I have no memory of it.
A Paul McCartney Starbucks card (Balance: $0) and many "Frequent Buyer" cards from various places
Orbit Gum
Camera case (usually with the camera in it)
I tag Ruth, Sheena, Kelly, Christen, Morgan and Lisa!
So, tomorrow is Garage Cleaning Day which will hopefully entail getting rid of mass quantities of old appliances and a lot of other junk. Then we can finally finish unpacking (boxes have been piled in the dining room for 2 months now) and I can get on with my life. I have curtains to make for William's room, wood floors to finally clean to my standards and tons of organizing so I feel like I really LIVE here and can be productive and move forward with life. I've been kind of in a rut lately and can't wait to get out of it.
So anyhow, here I am. I hope there's someone still out there. :)